Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Recently, the MSP Star Comp has ended and the winners were revealed!
I would like to congratulate everyone who joined! You all did great! But, These were
the ones that came on top! 




Tuesday, 23 August 2011


As most of you would know, (I hope)
I make Music Videos for MSP and other things.. These are my latest!
Enjoy the Show!


As you can see, 100% MADE BY EVIESNUGGLE! ;D
So steal this and I'll kick the fudge out of you. I work really hard on these videos!
And recently, I've been dealing with ALOT of copying and Im sick of it.
That level of copying has gotten on my nerves.

I only made the first bad parts! The rest were great!
This was a collab with a few people around 16 I believe..
I was the host so, I had to put all the videos together!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

500 HITS!

I got 500 hits! I didn't expect this blog to be so popular in MSP! Thank you guys!

Evie's Chat Box

Most of you wanted your OWN chatbox but, I thought you might of wanted some Evie on your blog.. Just copy this embled code and then design, add a gadget, HTML.. and paste it.. (:

<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEzMTMxNTQzODE3ODAmcHQ9MTMxMzE1NDY3NzE3NCZwPTUzMTUxJmQ9Jmc9MiZvPWJiZTk3NWU3NTEwNzQwMmRiNGEz/ZjdhZTkzMjczYmQxJm9mPTA=.gif" /><embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="540" height="405" name="chat" flashvars="id=153179098" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /><br /><small><a target="_BLANK" href="">Get your own Chat Box!</a> <a target="_BLANK" href="">Go Large!</a></small><br /></embed>

Thursday, 18 August 2011



There is a new competition. It's the Action Comp.. I personally HATE IT. So, I won't be making a movie or getting dressed up for it(:

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Help Hanna? ;D

Hanna1 is my best friend on MSP. I would of hated to lose her.. D; 
Let's all make Hanna happy and make her get Me P8 one of MSP's MOST WATCHED movies? ;D And Help her to PAGE 2! EVEN BETTER PAGE 1! This means the world to me if you helped!

Friday, 12 August 2011

MSP Star! O:

MSP recently released a new competition. Some people hate it, and some people LOVEEEEE it. I'm one of the people who LOVEEEEE it! ;D It's just like Britain's got Talent! I'm also going to join and vote in the competition (since I'm judge) But, I'll doubt I'll win. Due to really good people joining aswell. -.-

I'm finally JUDGE!

If you don't know what I mean by JUDGE, on MSP there is this member ship thing and it makes you get exclusive items, kind of like club penguin..So, yeah ;D I'm so happy I love my mom so much! <3 She let me get it ;D

Monday, 8 August 2011

MSP Inspired by Katy?

This entry is a BIT late, I forget one thing, UPDATING COMPS! Yeah, so..the new comp is 80's Pool Party...It reminds me of Katy Perry's song Last Friday Night..Some people even dressed their characters like Katy. O: What do you think? I think they are pretty like each other!

Home Sweet Home!

I'm back from my holidays meaning I can work on my blog more! (HOPEFULLY!) Ok, this IS short but, I DID say I would make small updates about myself! :P

Friday, 5 August 2011

Bye-Bye Old Layout!

Movie Star Planet (MSP) recently changed their layout!
I think it's pretty but, SADLY, I can't judge it because it takes forever!
To load. And I'm in a non internet place! It's effecting peoples computers..
I suggest they fix that up.. :/

Here are some snaps I took. :)

I think they should fix the loading problems. Or they will lose their players. :/
I personally like it, but the thing I hate is the loading..

Thanks for Reading,

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Franny is Back?

Franny123 recently left MSP. People are saying that Fran'zzi is Franny!
Some people think it isn't true..
I don't know..I think the real way to find out is if her best friend asks her a few questions!
If "Franny" gets them all right. It's offical it's Franny. If not, It's a POSER!
What do you think? Leave your responses below!

Thanks for reading!


Hello! If you don't know who I am, I'm Evie. (:
I'm a girl who plays this game known as Movie Star Planet alot! A short name for the fantastic game is MSP. :D
This is my blog about the gossip on MSP! These things a true! And some stuff will be small updates about me myself! How my music works on my blog is I change it every week! You can check and listen to the groovy tune on the bottom right! Everyone's first blog is their Introduction! So, this is mine (: 
 I'll start my actual blogging in a while! :D 

Thanks for reading! 